Phone : 8818001570, 8818001588, 9991920588

CBSE Affiliation No. : 530609

Phone : 8818001570, 8818001588, 9991920588

CBSE Affiliation No. : 530609

Principal's Message

We at DPSi have a united goal to provide the highest level of educational services to the families that have entrusted their children to us. Our commitment extends to the individual needs of each child as well as their family.
As an educator, I am passionately committed to contribute to the field of education.

I am truly honoured to have been selected as the Principal at DPSi. I take it as an opportunity to serve the society. It’s my privilege and pleasure to serve such a truly gifted and talented professional faculty and children.

Most importantly our mission is to educate our children to prove themselves an asset to the society. We believe that all of our students can achieve the greatest heights.

Wish you all a fantastic session ahead!

Ms. Sunil Rana


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